I remember the first time I shared my testimony – badly. I spent too long on my past life, I gave too much detail about my sin and the seven minutes I was given became a twenty minute train wreck.
In order to helps others not make the same mistakes I put together a short booklet on how to share your testimony.
The following is an introduction to that booklet. Please feel free to read, share and use it to help others become more effective in sharing their testimony. The rest of the booklet is available for free in the link below.
The word testimony simply means; ‘a declaration of truth or fact’ or ‘evidence or proof given by a witness in a court of law’.
We use the word testimony when asking someone to share how they became a Christian because they are testifying of what Christ and the Gospel has done in their life. When Paul stood before the Jewish rabble (Acts 22:1) and King Agrippa (Acts 26:2) he gave an apologia (defence/answer/testimony). Peter exhorts us to “be ready always to give an answer (apologia) to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you” (1Peter 3:15)
One of the crucial points regarding each Christian’s personal testimony is that it is not supposed to be about them. The goal of giving your testimony is to:
Glorify Christ as you declare what He has done in your life
Encourage other believers as they hear about this miracle of grace
Challenge unbelievers as they hear of the power of the gospel
Your testimony, then, rather than being about yourself, is supposed to be about Christ’s work in you. Your personal testimony is a beautiful account of the power and grace of God in your life.
You may be invited to share your testimony in your church and your testimony is also a wonderful tool to use when sharing the gospel with others in a non- confrontational manner. Rather than beginning with a direct message aimed at the listener/s you can share the gospel message through explaining your journey from darkness into light before turning the conversation to their own standing before God.
This short booklet is designed to equip believers in sharing their testimony in such a way that achieves the three goals listed above.
Our prayer is that, as you apply the principles in this booklet when sharing your testimony, God would be glorified, believers encouraged and sinners challenged.
We will follow the account of Paul’s salvation and the two times he gave his testimony in the book of Acts as a foundation. It may be valuable for you to put down this booklet and read these passages first:
Acts 7:58, 8:1-4, 9:1-22 – the actual account of Paul’s conversion
Acts 22:1-23 – Paul shares his conversion before the Jews in Jerusalem
Acts 26:1-32 – Paul share his conversion before Herod Agrippa II
Click here for the rest of the e-booklet.