2. It’s What Christ Died For
Jesus told his followers “I will build my church” - his gathering. This is why he came. To build a new called out gathering of a new humanity.
Psalm 22 is an amazing prophecy of the death of Jesus 1000 years before it happened. Verse 1-21 describe, in vivid detail, crucifixion from the experience of the one being crucified. It’s often called the fifth account of the crucifixion of Christ. Once we get into verse 22 the atmosphere changes. Suddenly there is a note of victory and deliverance. The one being crucified cries out “I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you”.
Jesus’ death and resurrection leads to him surrounded by a gathering of people, praising his Father. This is what he came for; to be the faithful head of a faithful house. To be the centre of a gathering who gather to praise the Father.
Ephesians 5v25 tells us that “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. In Acts 20v25 Paul calls the church leaders to “be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”
Yes, Jesus died for individuals. But he also died so that those individuals would, together, become a part of the New Creation he has brought and is bringing into this world.
Ephesians 2v11-22 tells us that the death of Christ means Jews and Gentiles, who trust in him, are brought into one body, one family, one spiritual temple. Other passages tell us that the death of Jesus means that slaves and free, men and women, rich and poor, civilised and uncivilised, weak and powerful, educated and uneducated, are all made one in Christ. Ephesians 1v10 tells us that everything will ultimately be brought into unity one day in Jesus.
So we gather because Jesus came and died to found a new gathering in his name, and we get to be a part of this historic and eternal gathering!